Welcome to Upgrade Life with Kavita Agarwal
Author | Life Coach
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How is Life Coaching different from therapy?
Therapy is a way of identifying and helping resolve mental/emotional health issues with a medical approach. Life coaching brings change through a shift in attitude, which impacts where you go from where you are. While life coaching and therapy do have aspects in common, life coaching doesn't always have to address deep-seated or past emotional issues.
How can a Life Coach solve my problems?
The Life Coach doesn't solve your problems, you do. Coaching helps you redefine your approach, make positive decisions and constructive choices to resolve a myriad of issues and chart a tangible route to achieving your goals.
For how long do I need to consult a Life Coach?
Much like life itself, life coaching doesn't have a rigid schedule or time. It's a healthy interaction whether you're targeting a specific goal, or simply want to take stock and map the way ahead from time to time.
Do I need a life coach or a therapist?
As mentioned before, life coaching doesn't delve into psychiatry or psychotherapy. So, life coaching works best for you if you are looking for capable guidance and mentor ship to bring about positive changes in your life, with you in the driver's seat. It's a platform to speak openly without any judgement from the listener, and constructively work towards resolving the challenges that are keeping you from achieving your goals.