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Leading a Purpose driven life.

Kavita Agarwal

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

"A closed door still has a way out. A closed mind doesn't."

Understanding the purpose of life gives it meaning. We always assign meaning to everything we hear, say or experience. When life has meaning, it helps us bear almost anything – any circumstances, any discomfort – because, we know what makes the suffering worth it. A lot of people feel like a failure, because they are struggling to become something, without even knowing what it is that they want to become. They labor day and night without even realizing the direction of their work. They go through life, day after day, hoping that something will become of it, but without proper direction and focus, they are just wasting their time and strength. The clarity of having a purpose and moving towards it will give you the satisfaction of achievement, of feeling successful.

Knowing your life’s purpose simplifies your life. Generally, we make choices based on

circumstances, deadlines and our own state of mind at that moment. This causes fatigue, stress and

conflict. Knowing your life’s purpose helps you to understand the difference between what you need to do and what you do not. It gives you the foundation to base your decisions on, and manage your time and resources towards it. You will find yourself making better choices based on your purpose, when you know what you want to do, the actions to be taken become easier by that much. Purpose-driven living leads to a simpler lifestyle, a saner schedule, and a more stable state of mind.

Knowing your purpose focuses on your life. You concentrate your efforts and energies on what

really matters to you. Today, people live a life full of distractions. Without a clear purpose, they keep drifting through jobs and relationships, hoping that each change will settle their confusion or fill the void in their hearts. But it doesn’t solve the real problem – a lack of focus and purpose. You become more effective by being more selective. Stop trying to do it all. Do less, do only the things that are important to you. Do not confuse activity with productivity. Focus only on your purpose.

Knowing your purpose motivates your life. Purpose always creates passion that energizes us.

Some people find getting out of bed in the morning a task, and they snooze at least three times before pulling themselves out of bed. This happens when the work one is doing doesn’t bring any satisfaction or joy. It’s not the overwork that tires us, it is meaninglessness of work that drains our energy and robs us of our joys. When you have something exciting planned for the day, you wake up even before the alarm buzzes. Purpose generates the joy of living, instead of complaining and cribbing that nothing in the world makes you happy anymore.

Knowing your purpose prepares you for eternity. Many people spend their entire life trying to

create a lasting legacy on Earth, to be remembered when they are gone. They fail to realise that all their achievements will eventually be surpassed, reputations will fade and records will be broken. What really matters is what you do with your life while you are alive. Did you use all your talents, opportunities, resources, energies and relationships only for yourself? Or did you use them for the greater good? What goodness did you create in your lifetime?

If you haven’t found your purpose yet, it is never too late to start searching. It is as much a

journey of discovering yourself along the way.

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