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You are your purpose.

Kavita Agarwal

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Your birth was no mistake or mishap. You are not an accident. Your parents may or may not have planned for you, but the Universe surely did. Long before your birth, the Universe planned for you. As long as you are breathing, it has some purpose for you to fulfill.

So many times, we hear that every birth and death is predestined. Nothing in your life is by chance - it’s all pre-planned and all for a purpose. Every plant and animal was designed with a purpose. The Universe specifically designed you . All your features, you skin, your hair, your natural talents, all your unique traits and qualities; they all fulfill some purpose. You were designed to complete every scene that you are a part of, a very significant part.

Right from the parents you have, to the place you are born, down to the time you are born, the people you interact with, the experiences you will have, the things that you will do. Each of these factors mould you as you grow. All of them help instill in you a certain behaviour and thought process. The more you grow, the more aware you are of the effects of the things you impact.

The trick here is to focus on the bigger picture. When you see the whole scenario, and how you are contributing to it, you realize your value and your strengths. Imagine a movie, there are so many aspects to every scene. There is a protagonist, his supporting cast, a love-interest, an antagonist to create conflict, a reliable group of friends to support him overcome the conflict and emerge victorious. The entire backdrop, the lighting, the music and the special effects all created to make the experience more believable and relatable. Each of these actors are an important part of the story. Every bit is crucial to complete the whole picture and helping the story move forward.

Coming back to Life, we similarly play so many roles - of a child, a student, a friend, a sibling, a parent, a grandparent, an employee, a boss, and so on... We play all these roles so perfectly, slipping from one role into the next with such ease. We don’t even realize when we have switched from one to the next. In every scene of our life-movie, we are fulfilling a role, a purpose. We just need to be aware of what purpose we are fulfilling. As long as we are aware of purpose and the impact we are creating we are in control of ourselves. We all are a part of the whole scene.

We are like a tiny piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Every piece is required to complete the picture. We are unique in our own way, similar yet different, important for every story and individual we interact with, cause we leave an impact with everything we do and say. The world would not be the same without our input, just as the jigsaw would be incomplete with even one missing piece. So embrace your uniqueness. Just be You.

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